Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Infrared Activated Garbage Can

I'm back from my long hiatus with a few new items to post. I know it has been too long, but I feel like I have nearly completed everything I, personally, have to share. As new technologies or barriers are faced I will share them, and there's one that really got under my skin yesterday that I may need to rant about on here, soon. For now, a simple, affordable and very useful piece of technology is the infrared activated garbage can lid.

It can be difficult enough with functioning hands to bring a load of garbage to the can and open it without leaving any mess in the process. Add to that paralyzed fingers and often our dexterity itself is not enough to carry garbage over, let alone open the lid. Obviously foot pedal operated garbage cans don't work for us and many of the good cans out there are spring-loaded or designed in a way that the lid cannot stay open. With these cans, if you know you will need the lid open for a significant period of time, there are buttons to press to keep the lid open until you press the other button to close it.

These cans are not perfect. In my opinion, they automatically close too soon after opening and are not sensitive enough to stay open when a person's hand is still over the sensor while depositing multiple pieces of garbage. The first one that we had had critical parts, the gear responsible for opening the lid, made of plastic that broke far too soon, rendering the automatic lid useless, even after being repaired with some epoxy. Charge me an extra five dollars and make those important pieces of metal. Also, as entertaining as it is for children and some seniors, they almost need to come with instructions on the front indicating that you don't need to close the lid. All you will be doing is breaking that plastic gear I just spoke of.

That said, using D batteries, it will open and close thousands and thousands of times between needing new batteries, so, as long as they don't break the lid, let the kids play.

Source: The best one we've bought came from Costco for about $40. Other department stores like Canadian Tire carry them but are way overpriced until they come on sale, like most of the items at Canadian Tire.

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